The Quakers and Business Group provides a network for people who are united by the vision that Quaker principles and values should be a central part of business and the workplace. 

Since the start of the pandemic we have been offering regular networking events online

Who can join? Do I have to be a business owner?  

Quakers and Business welcomes people from any organisation or business background, including private and public companies, profit making and non-profit making, social enterprise, charities, professions and the public sector. 

Our members come from all walks of life.


  • Encourage positive attitudes among Quakers and others towards business and commerce through Education.
  • Encourage and support members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in business.
  • Promote Quaker principles and strengthen the spiritual base for good practice in all business.

If you would like to join the group you need to fill in an application form and pay a subscription fee, all of which can be done through this web site.

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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