Making Values Visible is our free monthly online discussion group tackling ethical questions and stresses in the workplace and wider economy with an emphasis on supporting the individual to speak their mind when they know what is right.

It is held on the third Wednesday of the month and hosted by the Communications Working Group.  

The session lasts one hour and features a recorded video, presentation or live presentation of a theme around ethics and values in business. 

Participants can take part in discussions and other guided exercises.

Please register on Zoom.   

Register in advance for this meeting:
Or - you can book a place using our event booking system below:

Previous videos, seminars, presentations and speakers.

February 15 - Richard Murphy - Tax Justice - Quaker Values in Action on the World Stage - view his presentation on our YouTube channel.

March 15 - Georgina Wark - ActionZero, a subsidised, sustainable service; helps to engage, educate and encourage action to reduce carbon footprints. View member offer 

April 19 - Paying the price for what I believe in  - Sue Hampton, Author, Educator and Climate Activist 

Share your story 

Would you like to present your story or projects? 

We welcome input from individuals and corporate members about :

- ethical challenges they have faced and overcome

- successful business outcomes from applying Quaker business principles

- any schemes, offers, tools, projects and programmes that further Quaker values , ethics and businesses that are led by these values. 

To offer a session please complete the 'Request our help' form below: 

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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