Join Quakers and Business as we discover ways of improving the workplace for workers, owners, managers, volunteers and leaders at this practical, Quaker-led event. There will be expert speakers, workshops and opportunities to network with other attendees. 

What are we addressing?
In the wake of the pandemic we have the cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine and the deepening climate emergency. How can we face these challenges with faith and hope for the future of our workplace? We face a plethora of practical, moral and ethical dilemmas. Are resilience, adaptability, and the ability to pivot in a new direction the ways to a new future?

If we can survive and cope - can we profit from the new workplace? 
Is a new ethical approach the route to sustainable prosperity?
How do we respond to these challenges?

Join Quakers and Business for our next online conference.


Richard Murphy,  Sheffield University Management School, Professor, Economic Justice Campaigner, Quaker: Business and Tax Justice 

Viv Grant, Founder, Integrity coaching -  Leading from the Chalkface - will schools shape tomorrow's workplace?

Danny Higginson, HCPC, Psychologist, Civil Service: The Psychology of Supporting People in The changing nature of workplaces.  

Dr Stuart Hill, CQP, MCQI, Head of Transformation Quality, Assurance and Support at West Northamptonshire Council - The Ethical Dilemmas in Local Authority Leadership 

Chris Jeffrey, Head Teacher of Bootham Quaker School: Leading a Quaker Business Culture


Interactive Mediation - Immersive experience of Quaker-led facilitation techniques for groups and the Workplace - led by Alistair Heslop, Founder, Restoring Relations Group

Best Practice in Leading Hybrid Meetings - led by Duncan Wallace, Duncan Wallace Associates - read Duncan's blog

Ethics, Values and Process - Do Businesses Need to be ProSocial to Survive? - led by Maureen O'Callaghan, Lincoln University - read Maureen's blog
Hostile Work Environment -  Bullying in the Remote Working Workplace and GenZ - led by Suzanne Watts, MMRS, Communications Q&B/Partner, Ethos VO Ltd 

Discover the Impact of Algorithms on our Workplace - led by Sabina Ali, JAAG Tech@Work project lead, Just Algorithms Action Group


£20 for members

£50 non-members (includes option of free membership for one year worth £25)

Book online at Eventbrite

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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