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Leading from the Chalkface: Schools Shaping Tomorrow's Workplace

Viv Grant is our keynote speaker on day 2 of our conference: she is director of Integrity Coaching, London’s leading provider of coaching services for Headteachers and senior school leaders. Viv’s experiences as a young Black Head led her to play a lead role in developing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion programmes, with a particular focus on race, for the Institute of Education, the DfE, the NHS, the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman and the NUT.

Viv Grant will look at some of the changing nature of schools and leadership and what we can learn from that changing world. Schools are a significant place where people learn about workplace culture and what is acceptable, good and ethical. Her work on leadership culture and the inclusive nature of how schools are changing will throw light on the changes we need to make to ensure equitable places of work.

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