We are delighted to launch our brand new website!

The new software we are using is designed for small membership organisations and charities such as Q&B. It is much easier to drive, and has some useful functions such as the ability to send email broadcasts to all our members. Our team is getting to grips with the functionality, so bear with us. 

Thank you to our membership manager Stuart Hill for masterfully managing the membership migration; to webmaster  Alistair Heslop for kindly helping with domain transfers and Suzanne Watts, communications working group,  for patiently transferring all the content across to the new platform. 

If you see anything is wrong or missing  - please let us know!  [email protected]

We hope you like the look of the new design. It was selected for its clean and simple look. The Content management System is very easy to drive so we hope to involve more of our members in helping to run it. 

If you have experience of Content Management Systems or, would like to have the opportunity to learn, we'd be pleased to  hear from you. No experience necessary. Contact Suzanne: [email protected]

And look out for our new newsletter which is being sent from our brand new membership management web system. 

Sign up to receive our news emails:

Quakers and Business is a charitable incorporated organisation in England and Wales No. 1157008 at 18 Longford Road West, Stockport SK5 6ET.
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